Mandatas coletivas
Women in the fight to increase representation in parliament
Mandatas coletivas, Democracy, Elections, Personalization, WomenAbstract
Electoral processes are fundamental in contemporary democracies, but they do not guarantee the representativeness of leaders and the expansion of citizenship by voters. Mandatas coletivas (collective mandates) are a recent political experiment that subverts the common forms of democratic representation. In this article, we seek to understand this phenomenon, which is more recurrent in the south and southeast of Brazil. We conducted 20 in-depth interviews with elected mandatas coletivas across the country to understand this new reality, which challenges the rigid structure of political parties and personalization in politics, i.e., the slate centered on a single personality. We found that these collective candidacies give a voice to a group of people who share a common identity, especially in women's collectives that seek to break the male hegemony in institutional spaces of power.
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