Independência, accountability e gestão judicial
CNJ, Constitutional Competence, Independence, Accountability, Judicial ManagementAbstract
This article analyzes the constitutional competence/attribution of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) from the perspective of Judicial Independence, Judiciary Accountability and Judicial Management. The dialogue with the research by Costa Filho and Carvalho Neto (2016) and Costa Filho (2019) is privileged to support the proposed reflection. The research is qualitative and uses a descriptive tool, literature review and document analysis to locate and develop the objective of interest. It was glimpsed that competence/attribution can be debated in terms of the three proposed vectors, which represent common bottlenecks that the councils in the Latin region sought to remedy when they were created, and in the case of the Brazilian council this convergence was identified. This study contributes to the research agenda that deals with judicial councils as a democratic control of the Judiciary.
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