The LGBTQIA political subject in Marxist theory

connections between class, gender and sexuality




Marxism, Gender, Sexuality, Queer Theory


The objective of this article is to understand the place of the political subject LGBQIA in Marxist theory in dialogue with theoretical propositions with Marxist feminism and queer feminism. To this end, our starting point corresponds to the debate with Marxist feminism in the late 1970s and early 1980s, based on the analysis of Heidi Hartmann's dual systems.Then, we situate the emergence of the categories of gender and sexuality from queer studies and the turn in relation to recognition policies. Finally, we analyze Judith Butler, Nancy Fraser and Cinzia Aruzza's considerations on the relationship between queer theory, Marxist thought and the paradigmatic debates between redistribution and recognition as a concrete moment of possibility for the renewal of Marxism, in the sense of incorporating the dimensions of sexual and gender oppression to the theoretical-political project of transformation proposed by Marxism.



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How to Cite

CONRADO, Z. The LGBTQIA political subject in Marxist theory: connections between class, gender and sexuality. Teoria & Pesquisa Revista de Ciência Política, São Carlos, v. 31, n. 2, p. 106–124, 2023. DOI: 10.31068.310206. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



