
  • Diego Freitas Rodrigues
  • Vivianny Kelly Galvão
  • Janaína Accordi Junkes
  • Letícia Alves de Araújo



The Brazilian historical experience of Amazonian occupation points out the environmental risks that a highway produces when crossing a protected area, such as the increase of fires, the risk of species extinction and the intensification of land conflicts. In the specific situation of BR no 158, what are the risks that were indicated in the reference term (TR) and indicated in the Environmental Impact Report (RIMA) in relation to the impacts of the paving of this BR in the Marãiwatsédé indigenous land? To answer this question the case of the paving works and environmental licensing of BR no 158, in Mato Grosso (a state located in the Midwest region of Brazil) was analyzed. The objective was to identify the guidelines of the term of reference and to evaluate the importance of the environmental and social impacts contained in the environmental impact report that would affect the Marãiwatsédé indigenous land under the concept of "equal consideration of interests" and also evaluate the presence or absence in the environmental impact report of the identification of risks and benefits to the indigenous community affected by the licensing of the highway BR no 158.


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Cómo citar

FREITAS RODRIGUES , D. .; KELLY GALVÃO, V. .; ACCORDI JUNKES , J. .; ALVES DE ARAÚJO , L. IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF THE BR No 158 HIGHWAY IN THE MARÃIWATSÉDÉ INDIGENOUS LAND. Teoria & Pesquisa Revista de Ciência Política, São Carlos, v. 30, n. 1, p. 48–69, 2021. DOI: 10.4322/tp.30103. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.



