The central theme of the text is civil disobedience and is justified in
view of the current need to rethink it in the light of the paradigm of the
Democratic Rule of Law and the possibility of justifying it in the context of a
new rationality. It is intended, therefore, to discuss the legal-philosophical
foundations of civil disobedience in order to understand a phenomenon that
appears to be an important mechanism for strengthening and improving the
Democratic Rule of Law, an unfinished project under permanent construction.
To this end, the work develops from a brief philosophical journey in order to
explain the relationship between civil disobedience and the “principle of non-
violence”, thus articulating a fruitful dialogue between Jürgen Habermas and
Jean-Marie Müller with the purpose of building new symbolic horizons and
consolidating a new rationality in the democratic State plan. The return of the
concept of civil disobedience to the center of contemporary political theory is
marked by intense debates and plural positions, so that the article intends to
analyze the relationship between civil disobedience and social transformation
in the democratic context, a model that Jürgen Habermas has a of its main
theoretical exponents.
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