Rosemary SEGURADO and Fabricio AMORIM
Teoria & Pesquisa: Revista de Ciência Política, São Carlos, v. 32, n. esp. 1, e023032, 2023. e-ISSN: 2236-0107
DOI: 19
Voters' distrust of politicians is a relevant aspect. Mandatas coletivas seek to create an
identification between representatives and represented in order to bring minorities closer to
institutional spaces. Elections do not produce a natural "identity" in relation to those who
govern and those who are governed, because the bond of identification breaks down (MANIN,
1995). Mandatas coletivas appear with the aim of creating identification and establishing
relationships of trust. Manin (2017) far from the context in which mandatas coletivas arise,
thinking about party democracy, public democracy and the personalization of electoral choices
in the face of the influence of the mass media in the political field and beyond, stresses the
importance of "trust" (MANIN, 1995).
In this sense, mandatas coletivas are intended to break the personalistic bond
highlighted by Manin (2017), which has been boosted by neoliberalism that encourages
personalization and individual candidacies to the detriment of political parties. According to
the Nossa Voz Collective, mandatas coletivas "break the narrative of what legislative power is
about individual and personalistic powers".
In view of the plurality of the feminist movement, which is divided into various fronts,
such as revolutionary feminism, liberal feminism and black feminism, among others, some
candidates also reflect these ideological positions. The As Gurias Collective, elected to the Ijuí
City Council, is raising the banner of black women. "It's a debate we have to bring up" (our
translation). Candidates who fight alongside black feminism recognize that white women have
a social privilege (HOOKS, 2020) and giving up white supremacy feeds sorority, because
feminism needs to be anti-racist and anti-homophobic in order to be global in the fight against
patriarchy (HOOKS, 2020).
Silvia Bancada feminista defends the feminism of the 99%, linked to a revolutionary,
anti-capitalist feminism. "We used this a lot," explains Natália. The feminism of the 99%
engages in an anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchal, anti-LGBTphobic confrontation, encompassing
women from the lower classes, indigenous, caiçaras, peasants, riverside dwellers, quilombolas,
articulating race and ethnicity, gender and class (ARRUZA; BHATTACHARYA; FRASER,
2019). For the leader of the feminist caucus, the feminism of the 99% also has to dialog with
men and make them allies, an idea that is in line with the thinking of Bell Hooks.
Andrielli from Mandate Fátima Maria, Coletivo Teremos Vez, in Viamão, touches on
the point of women entrepreneurs, women's financial independence, linked to a more liberal
feminism, without neglecting the LGBTQIA+ and black women's agenda. More reformist,
liberal feminist thinking has a market-related outlook at its core, with meritocracy rather than